We Build Up More Than STEAM...
We Build Character!

We specialize in providing exciting hands-on experiences that teach students to Think Critically, Work Collaboratively, and Persevere through adversity.    

Failure Builds Character

Learning through the Engineering Process, for us, has as much to do with character building, as it does skill building.  Through this process we teach that the word “No” does not always signal the end and that “Failure is not final!”

What is the Solution?

How do we build a foundation of confidence in our youth to overcome challenges that will undoubtedly arise as they pursue their goals in life?

We Leverage the Engineering Process!

 One area in which this takes center stage is in the Testing and Redesign phases of engineering.  Because failure is expected, students practice this experience and their response.

Through such activities, participants exercise and build muscles of perseverance and learn what it means to persist in the face of challenges.

Failure is The Condiment of Success.
It Just Taste SOOO Much Sweeter!

Instructor teaching kids engineering
"We just can't assume kids are going to excel in the future economy because they have access to cell phones and video games. No, their future success demands that we act intentionally!"
Britt Stephens
Founder & CEO